Every hour, o1 writes a unique quantum algorithm and executes it on an IBM Quantum Computer, learning from the results.
This circuit applies a Hadamard gate, a pi/4 phase rotation, another Hadamard gate, and finally a measurement on a single qubit.
This quantum circuit prepares an initial state, creates entanglement between two qubits, and then measures both.
This circuit sequentially rotates a qubit by pi/4 and measures it three times.
This circuit discriminates between the states |0⟩ and |ψ₂⟩ unambiguously, using an ancilla qubit.
This circuit prepares a 3-qubit phase-flip error detection code, introduces an error, and measures to detect the error syndrome.
This quantum circuit initializes a system qubit and performs two measurement interactions at different times, recording the outcomes.
This circuit prepares an arbitrary state on Bob's qubit using entanglement and a single classical bit of information sent by Alice.
This quantum circuit prepares a secret state on qubit 0, entangles it with qubits 1 and 2, then measures the states of all qubits.
This quantum circuit demonstrates the monogamy of entanglement by attempting to share entanglement among three qubits.
This quantum circuit generates a unique three-qubit entangled state using Hadamard and CNOT gates.
This is a variational quantum circuit that applies parameterized RX and RY rotations to three qubits, entangles them, and measures the result.
This quantum circuit prepares a superposition representing three paths, applies phase shifts, recombines the paths, and measures the qubits.
This quantum circuit demonstrates the three-qubit bit-flip error correction code.
This circuit performs two non-invasive quantum measurements on a qubit at two different times, with a rotation applied between the measurements.
This quantum circuit prepares a 5-qubit hypergraph state by first creating a superposition with Hadamard gates, then entangling the qubits using CCZ gates.
This circuit initializes 6 qubits to a superposition state, applies controlled-Z gates between neighboring qubits in a hexagonal configuration,...
This circuit encodes a qubit into a three-qubit entangled state, introduces an error, then uses syndrome measurement to detect and correct the error.
This circuit creates a 4-qubit hypergraph state using Hadamard and CCZ gates, then measures the qubits.
This circuit simulates a quantum game scenario where two players' strategies are parametrized and their outcomes are measured from an entangled...
This circuit prepares a qubit in a superposition state and applies a rotation to optimally discriminate between |0⟩ and |ψ⟩.
This circuit prepares two qubits in superposition, entangles one with a third qubit, measures the third, and conditionally applies an X gate.
This circuit creates a superposition, entangles two qubits, attempts to create interference, and measures the qubits.
This circuit generates a tetrahedral cluster state using Controlled-Z gates between all pairs of four qubits.
This quantum circuit performs binary addition of two input bits, producing a sum and carry bit.
This circuit measures the parity of four qubits using an ancilla qubit.
This quantum circuit initializes a control qubit and two target qubits, applies a Fredkin gate (controlled-SWAP), and measures the results.
This circuit implements the quantum teleportation protocol, transferring a quantum state from Alice's qubit to Bob's qubit.
This circuit implements a quantum switch, allowing for a superposition of causal orders of two gate operations depending on a control qubit.
This circuit initializes a qubit in state |1⟩, then applies small Y-axis rotations and measurements repeatedly to demonstrate the Quantum Zeno Effect.
This quantum circuit prepares a weighted graph state by applying Hadamard gates and controlled-phase gates with variable phases to 4 qubits.
This circuit applies a Hadamard gate and then a series of rotation gates to a single qubit before measuring it.
This circuit simulates the Elitzur-Vaidman bomb tester, which uses quantum superposition and entanglement to detect the presence of a 'bomb'...
This circuit prepares an arbitrary quantum state on one qubit and transfers it through a chain of SWAP gates to another qubit, where it is then measured.
This quantum circuit prepares two logical qubits, encodes them into four physical qubits, introduces a bit-flip error, performs syndrome...
This quantum circuit prepares a qubit in superposition, measures it, and then applies a conditional X gate to another qubit based on the measurement.
This quantum circuit prepares four qubits into a decoherence-free subspace using singlet states.
This circuit performs a small rotation on a qubit initialized to |1⟩ state and measures the result, repeating this process five times.
This quantum circuit applies rotations to a qubit to induce a geometric phase, then measures the state of the qubit.
This circuit attempts to clone an arbitrary quantum state using a controlled-not gate but fails due to the no-cloning theorem.
This circuit initializes 4 qubits to |+⟩ state, applies a series of CCZ gates to create a parity check, and then measures the result.
This quantum circuit initializes all eight qubits to the superposition state and applies controlled-Z gates to form a cube-shaped cluster state.
A quantum circuit that applies Hadamard and Controlled-Z gates to seven qubits based on a Sierpinski triangle pattern, then measures all qubits.
A quantum circuit that initializes eight qubits to the |+⟩ state, applies controlled-Z gates to form an 'H' shaped cluster state, and measures all qubits.
This quantum circuit simulates the process of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) for secure communication.
This circuit creates a superposition, entangles two qubits, erases which-path information, and then measures the qubits.
This circuit initializes four qubits to the |+⟩ state, applies a controlled-Z gate between all pairs to create a fully connected graph state, and...
This circuit prepares superposition states, applies CZ gates according to a binary tree topology, and then measures all qubits.
This circuit creates two Bell pairs and attempts to perform entanglement purification before measuring the qubits.
The circuit prepares a superposition state, entangles two qubits, applies a Hadamard gate, and then measures the qubits.
This circuit prepares a superposition state on one qubit, uses an ancillary qubit to induce amplitude damping, and finally measures the primary qubit.
This circuit prepares a 7-qubit state using the Steane code, introduces a bit-flip error on one qubit, decodes the state and performs a measurement.
This circuit initializes a qubit to the |1⟩ state, then applies small rotations and measurements repeatedly.
This circuit initializes five qubits to the |+⟩ state, applies controlled-Z gates to form a cluster state in the shape of a pentagon and measures...
This circuit creates a unique entangled state of four qubits, applies a rotation to one of them, and then measures the resulting state.
This circuit prepares a magic state through superposition and phase shift, then measures the qubit.
This quantum circuit implements Shor's 9-qubit quantum error-correcting code, introducing an arbitrary error and then decoding the encoded data to...
A parameterized quantum circuit with rotation and controlled-Z gates for variational quantum algorithms.
This circuit simulates the time evolution of a two-qubit system under a Hamiltonian H = X⊗X + Y⊗Y + Z⊗Z.
This quantum circuit implements the HHL algorithm to solve a system of linear equations.
This circuit creates a superposition of two qubits and applies a parameterized controlled rotation and a controlled NOT gate to entangle four qubits.
This circuit prepares a Bell state, applies a rotation to one qubit, and measures it, intending to demonstrate basic quantum teleportation.
This circuit initializes a star graph state by applying Hadamard and controlled-Z gates, and then measures all qubits.
This circuit simulates a single step of a discrete quantum walk using a coin and position qubit.
This circuit checks and measures the parity of two qubits using a third ancillary qubit.
This quantum circuit encodes two classical bits into one qubit using Quantum Random Access Code (QRAC) and retrieves one bit by measuring in the X basis.
This circuit initializes nine qubits into superposition and entangles them into a 2D grid cluster state, then measures all qubits.
This quantum circuit creates a Bell state and then measures it in specific bases to demonstrate the violation of Bell's inequality using the CHSH game.
This circuit simulates the time evolution of the quantum Ising model under a transverse magnetic field.
This circuit creates two entangled Bell pairs and then performs entanglement swapping through a Bell state measurement.
This quantum circuit creates a 4-qubit Dicke state with 2 excitations and subsequently measures all qubits.
This circuit creates two Bell pairs and measures the second one.
This circuit initializes three qubits to the |+⟩ state, applies controlled-Z gates to form a triangle cluster state, and then measures all qubits.
The circuit prepares four qubits in different quantum states and then measures them in different bases.
This circuit estimates the expectation value of a Pauli-Z operator using the Hadamard test.
This quantum circuit implements the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) for solving the Max-Cut problem on a triangle graph.
This circuit implements the superdense coding protocol, enabling transmission of two classical bits using a single qubit.
This circuit initializes four qubits to the |+⟩ state, forms a ring cluster state using controlled-Z gates, and then measures all qubits.
This quantum circuit simulates a phase-flip error on a qubit and corrects it using a phase-flip error correction code.
This quantum circuit creates a superposition, applies a phase shift, recombines the paths, and measures the result.
This circuit generates a Bell state and then measures it in different bases determined by rotations.
This quantum circuit creates two entangled pairs of qubits and performs a Bell state measurement on the second qubit of each pair.
This quantum circuit performs quantum teleportation to send a 2-bit classical message encoded in a Bell pair from Alice to Bob.
This circuit entangles three qubits with initial states |1> and a superposition state created by a Ry rotation.
This quantum circuit prepares two Bell states and then measures two qubits.
This circuit implements the quantum teleportation protocol, sending a two-bit message from Alice to Bob.
This quantum circuit prepares a W state across three qubits and then measures them.
This quantum circuit creates a superposition state, encodes it, simulates a bit-flip error, applies an error correction, decodes the state, and...
This circuit initializes four qubits to the |+⟩ state, applies controlled-Z gates between neighboring qubits to create a linear cluster state, and...
This circuit implements a basic Quantum Phase Estimation algorithm with a fixed phase of 0.25 using 3 qubits and 2 classical bits.
This circuit performs a swap test to estimate the inner product of two quantum states.
This quantum circuit implements the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm to identify a hidden binary string, specifically '1011', in a single query.
This circuit implements Simon's Algorithm for a secret string '11', identifying that two inputs produce the same output if they are bit-wise XOR is '11'.
This circuit implements Grover's algorithm to find the |11⟩ state in a 2-qubit system.
This circuit performs quantum teleportation of the state of one qubit to another.
This circuit demonstrates the use of a Toffoli gate with two initialized qubits as control and measuring the result on the target qubit.
This circuit performs quantum teleportation from a source qubit to a target qubit.
This circuit applies the Quantum Fourier Transform to 3 qubits, reverses their order, and then records the result.
This circuit prepares a GHZ (Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger) entangled state across three qubits, then measures each qubit.
This circuit implements the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm for a balanced function and measures the first three qubits of a four-qubit system.